søndag, februar 27, 2011

A very long post

Okay, so this post is gonna be all about blogskins.

Okay, so there are lots of sad stuff going on. For example, bitchy rippers. I mean, what annoys me isn't the ripping, but what the put in the description. Like, "Don't rip my codes!" and shiet like that. Seriously, you yourself are ripping, and you have the guts to put that. Wow. Dudes and dudettes, we have eyes. And yes, we use them. So what's with the ripping? No life, I see.

Next, are annoying comments. Like, really sarcastic ones. Like, Look who's catching on. Ok, so what if i'm slow. That's my problem, bitch. Chh, keep your sarcasm to yourself, no one wants to hear it.


After that, are people who just can't take criticism. Chh, chill, its not like they're flaming you or anything!

And lastly, are people who say I rip. That's what annoys me the most. Like, GTFO. What are you doing here if you're just gonna defame me? (N)

Okay, gtg do homework and panic. I SO CANT PLAY GUITAR & SING BOO (N)

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