lørdag, februar 05, 2011

Its 12 in the morning

more tinkering with Photoshop. Added onto The Cookie!

Haiderr! AHEM made a new blog :O

LOL she doesn't want anyone to know her name. I respect that decision. Heh. Well, I don't really have much to say except that I have loads of Maths homework left. OH, & I found some time to make new name icons, change layouts for http://thcookie.blogspot.com/ and this blog. Who has two thumbs and is awesome? This girl! Hehe BHB. Oh, The Cookie has 35 followers! OMGee yay you, followers! You rock! I don't think I'll post this layout on Blogskins.com anytime soon. But don't you get your itchy & sticky fingers on my layout code, or I'll smack you till your head turns around 180 degrees. Get it? Good.


Whoa, its 2.4oam and I am still awake. Teaching AHEM how to 'skin. Heh, I am so AWESOME! Yeah, ok, I guess I'll pass out of tiredness in a few minutes, so yeah.

HAIDERR! My eyes are burning from too much sleep. Gahh, I don't get it?! Slept at 2.40am, woke up at 9.20am, that's NORMAL timing what. Oh wait, that's more than 6 hours. My mistake. Then what's with the mystery of the burning / watering eyes? Idk, why am I asking hypothetical questions? It makes me sound nutty.

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