torsdag, mars 24, 2011

There's a reason for everything.

Oh God, got sucked into more drama.

Okay, today, Banggo was being taken advantage of by Judy. When I tried to tell Judy off, she just told me to shut up. Like, whuud? Then I tried to see Banggo's worksheet in school to compare answers. I know Judy asked already and all I wanted to do was peek. She just snatches it and says some rude things. Look, she's my friend but at times she treats us like dirt. Its pissing me off and I HATE IT. I tried telling Vampire and she said, accounting up to all Judy has done before, the amount of respect and equality she gives us, her friends, is zilch. Nada. Nothing. And I can't do anything. I feel so helpless.

On the other hand, IP applications open tomorrow, 1500hrs. Trying to get a letter of recommendation out of TBC. Chh, so akward. Plus I have a proportion test. Like whuud? IMHO, the teacher sucks. No offence. Yeah, so I should go study now man.


P.S We had a debate today. About the support Performing Arts CCA is. All I can say, as a member of band, that we need more dough, bro. Did you know my instrument has algae growing on it? Look at choir. Or even handbells. I don't see anything growing on the bells, do you?


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